Requests for Proposal

APA-Indiana is glad to post RFPs, RFQs, and RFIs in the APA Region IV area (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin) and in Kentucky.


There is no charge for this service for projects in the above states.


Post length should be no more than 75-100 words. Submissions should include a hyperlink to the full RFP on your website.

To submit an RFP, RFQ, or RFI visit the APA Indiana Online Store

Mini-Roundabout Pilot Design & Environmental Services

Issuer: Madison County Council of Governments

Deadline for Response: 3:00 pm EDT, August 23, 2024

Introduction: The Madison County Council of Governments (MCCOG) is requesting written responses from qualified firms to assist with a mini-roundabout Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) demonstration project. Services will include streamlined design and expedited environmental review preparation.

Click Here for More Information