Fields of Interest

Listed below are links that provide greater information for general fields of planning interest. These might be especially helpful for those interested in learning more about planning careers, or for college students currently studying planning. Another helpful resource on the APA Indiana page is the industry experts list.

Community Development crosses a wide array of professional scopes. Below are some helpful links to information specific to Indiana.

Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority

Prosperity Indiana

Ball State University – Indiana Communities Institute

Center for Economic and Community Development

Economic Development organizations and professionals are critical to business attraction for companies looking to grow in Indiana. They can provide technical assistance and business expertise to the future employers in our community.

Indiana Economic Development Corporation

Indiana Economic Development Directory

Indiana Economic Development Association

Public Health and Planning

Indiana Plan4Health Final Report

Rural Planning is essential to the vitality of communities throughout Indiana. Being able to meet the economic and social needs of rural Indiana citizens takes cooperation and coordination – over a wide array of planning sectors.


Indiana Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts

USDA – Rural Development

Urban Planning typically involves planning issues for established core city areas (like downtown or neighborhoods), but may also include suburban development or redevelopment. Additionally, a variety of other specialized planning needs are addressed in this field too. Some examples include corridor planning, economic development and historic preservation.

Urban Land Institute

County Planning professional planners often work for, or with, county governments across the nation. These can be urban, suburban or rural counties that each have their own specific set of land use and planning issues.

National Association of County Planners

National Association of Counties

Transportation is a vital area of city planning. This typically includes funding prioritization, the development of individual facilities, and the planning involved for linking these facilities into an overall transportation network. Some specialized transportation fields that planners work on include the following areas: vehicle, freight, aviation, rail, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian.

APA – Transportation Planning Division

Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations